Pavitra Parameshwaran

Hello there!

I’m Pavitra, A Mom a Tech Consultant and the Artist behind the canvas.

I love diving into the world of colours and emotions, using different mediums like colour pencil, pastel, and acrylic to bring my visions to life.

🐾 Specializing in pet portraits is where my heart lies. There’s something magical about capturing the unique personalities of our furry friends. With each stroke, I aim to capture those special moments and create a lasting bond between pets and their human companions.

🌌 Venturing into the abstract allows me to explore a different facet of expression. The mix of colors and textures becomes a space for emotions and interpretations. It’s my way of inviting you to join me on a journey of self-discovery through art.

🎨 I’m passionate about spreading the joy of art and knowledge. Every piece I create is an opportunity to share a bit of my world with you.

Canadian Hero Dog Trakr

Contact: Pavitra Parameshwaran
Email: coming soon